El Padrenuestro como obra de arte y belleza


  • Luis Ángel Montes Peral




Our Father, prayer, art, beaty, spiritual legacy


The Lord’s Prayer is the perfect summary of the Christian life and can be considered as its best prayer. It is surprising how easily it has been learned and prayed for by all believing generations, due to the intrinsic values that exist in its simple but deep content. Until now, the fact that it contains great appeal and can be regarded as a beautiful work of art, despite its brevity, has never been systematically presented. It comes from the lips of the greatest prayerful person and from a most inspired poet, there is no doubt that the position of Jesus of Nazareth is among poets. My intention is to value the Lord’s Prayer from two outstanding aspects: art and beauty, leaving aside the theological, Christological and anthropological dimensions, which have already been sufficiently studied throughout the history of Christian theology. In this way we can address even better not only the quality but also the artistic dimension inherent in a text, which for Christians is among the most sacred of their spiritual legacy.




How to Cite

El Padrenuestro como obra de arte y belleza. (2021). Estudio Agustiniano, 56(2), 359-429. https://doi.org/10.53111/estagus.v56i2.30