"Blessed is he who reads and listens to the Words of this Prophecy..." (Ap 1:3). The Importance of Public Reading of Scripture
Oral Tradition, Performative Criticism, Origins of Christianity, Reading Communities, Reader, Proclamation of the WordAbstract
On the occasion of the institution fo lay ministry of reader by Pope Francis, the article wants to expose the value of the proclamation of the Word of God as a means to access faith and as an effective way to consolidate the lives of believers. Firslty, this work briefly exposes the value an necessity of the human word an the word of God in the lives of the people. Next, it studies, within the context of antiquity, how the reading of sacred texts at the origins of Christiantiy was an effective means of this expansion and consolidation. It ends this modest contribution by underlining the importance of the proclamation of the word today in the Church.
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