Jesús de Nazaret y el evangelio de la misericordia


  • Luis Ángel Montes Peral



The Gospel of Mercy is at the very centre of Jesus’ most intimate intentions. During his time on earth, his whole person, life and work lay in making manifest the goodness of his Heavenly Father and doing works in His name in the way that the Almighty wishes. With his words, deeds and gestures, and especially with his Death and Resurrection, he showed infinite divine love in practice, particularly for the poor, the sick and sinners. Recognising the particular way in which the Prophet of Nazareth carried out this mission of showing God’s true face in human existence leads us as believers to work and love in the way that the Master bore witness: unreservedly welcoming anyone with whatever need they may have, showing them clemency and mercy, compassion and forgiveness, and opting for fraternity in a selfish, violent world that is in need of a new paradigm.




How to Cite

Jesús de Nazaret y el evangelio de la misericordia. (2016). Estudio Agustiniano, 51(3), 449-520.