Propuesta agustiniana de filosofía política
El “quid medium naturale humanum” fundamento de la inter-comunicación polarizada iglesia - estado
Saint Augustin, Civitas Dei, Civitas terrenaAbstract
The "Augustinian civitas" moves on a double level: metahistorical and historical. On the metahistorical (mystical) level the "civitas" acquires a strict or proper meaning, equivalent to "kingdom"; in the historical its sense is derived, secondary (improper), equivalent to city (res-publica) either religious (Church), or political (State). This previous consideration, the true foundation of Augustinian political philosophy, leads us, next, to establish, firstly, the absolute incompatibility between the two meta-historical civitas (Civitas Dei et Civitas terrena), and secondly, to three differences between one and the other "civitates": the non-identity between "Civitas Dei" and the Church, the non-equivalence between "Civitas terrena” and the State , and the great difference (distinction) between Church and State. From here, we believe we can talk about the real connection between Church and State, focusing it on the common point that we call "quid medium naturale-humanum", provided that a radically unjust and inhumane State is not conceived.
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