“Iustitia Christi”
Dimensiones personalistas y existencialistas de la Justificación en la VI sesión del Concilio de Trento (Segunda parte)
Council of Trent, Sixth session, Justification, Double justice, SeripandoAbstract
Discussed in this second part of the work on the slopes and perso- nalistic and existencilistic the debate on the justification of the Sixth Session of the Council of Trent, one of the issues discussed during the drafting of the second and third draft of the decree. Special attention is given to interventions of Seripando on the need for further study of the nature of justification, considering the controversial issue of "duplex iustitia". Just as the reactions between the theologians and fathers of the Council. This filled the climate of deep accents combine existentialist and personalist type.
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