La escatología de Pablo

Visión e interpretaciones


  • Jorge Juan Fernández



Eschatology, Paul apostle, End of the present world, New creation


Our entire exhibition is full of the persuasion that Christ’s work constitutes a beginning, that he has started a process which powerfully advances towards the last future. The creation of the world was already the beginning of a colossal evolution. The meaning was in advance the beginning of the movement started by Christ, towards the consummation of everything created in the absolute future. In this regard, Paul in 1 Tes 4,13-18 realizes the most direct and complete description of the apocalypse, but it is in 1 Cor 15 concerning the inseparability one from the other integral elements of the éschaton appear’s more evident: Christ’s coming (v.23) which starts the entire process of consummation; the resurrection of the dead, the judgment which means the defeat of the enemies (vv. 24-26), the end (télos) of the present world (v. 24) and the new creation in which God will be «everything in all things» (v. 28).




How to Cite

La escatología de Pablo: Visión e interpretaciones. (2014). Estudio Agustiniano, 49(2), 343-362.

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