Fiduciality of Reason - Rationality of Faith
Rationality, Knowledge of the faith, Christian faith, historial reliability of the gospels, Humanity of Jesus Christ, Credibility of the Resurrection, Testimony of the ChurchAbstract
Starting from the reality of faith as a necessary source of knowledge, the elements of its necessary rationality are first examined: the estimation of the signs that accredit what is offered when believing, the discernment of the internal truth of that offering and the personal credibility of the person making that offer. Thus the rationality of faith is shown in the form of reasonable knowledge. Next, we explain how the Christian faith assumes this epistemology of reasonableness: critical verification of the evangelical testimony about Jesus Christ, the object of said faith; personal credibility of Jesus Christ in his extraordinary humanity, in the giving of his life and in his resurrection, whose traces in history allow us to reasonably accept said mistery; the truth of your offer; the credibility of the Church, historical witness of Jesus Christ.
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