Creativity, art, mystagogy: Logos as and in the end of waiting from the origin, hoping toward the originary
art, Aesthetics, Artworks, Creativity, Waiting, Hoping, Holy, Sacred, Beauty, Origin, Originary, Humanity, CUlture, Vision, Flesh, Incarnation, Sacrament, Presence, Effective Presence, LogosAbstract
This essay is an attempt to differentiate and correlate Aesthetics, Art, Artworks and Creativity. With metaphysical reflections against the backdrop of history, we underscore in view of the aforementioned key concepts the transition from waiting and hoping and use the same transition to differentiate existence from life, all within a metaphysical and spiritual framework that informs all the conceptual exposition. The open-ended result calls for more essays, in the name of Humanity, especially aided by works of art, specifically by some contemporary American poems, that seek to go beyond the wording of artworks by means of the creative response to the vocation of homing by means of art.
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