El Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica al servicio de la vocación evangelizadora y misionera de la Iglesia


  • Miguel Ángel Gil López




Catechism, Catechist, Council, Evangelization, Initiation, Kerigma, Mystagogue, Testimony


It is a matter of justice to recognise that the Catechism of the Catholic Church (1992-1997) by Saint John Paul ii, has achieved the goal to continue the renovation made by the Vatican Council ii which was inspired by the Holy Spirit. The Catechism embracement and dissemination has empowered the ecclesial communion by revitalizing both, liturgical life and pray. It
also drives a catechetical, pastoral, missionary and testimonial action. Pope francisco invites all Christians to be ministers of the gospel. He encourages Christians to live with the fervour and happiness that meeting Jesus gives us. Let's offer a beautiful and hopeful doctrine to a fragmented and mournful society. Let's announce how wonderful and superb being unspared loved by
God is, and so justice, peace and fraternity may reach all our world.




How to Cite

El Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica al servicio de la vocación evangelizadora y misionera de la Iglesia. (2019). Estudio Agustiniano, 54(1-2), 429-459. https://doi.org/10.53111/estagus.v54i1-2.73

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