Edith Stein

La Ciencia de la Cruz en los Reveses de la Historia


  • Orlando Ibarra




History, Humanity, Scientia crucis, Spirituality, Truth


The love of wisdom, the immense search for truth and the bloody testimony of a passionate life for humanity show in Edith Stein the sanctity of a woman who in the middle of nowhere and the senseless of World War II embodied one of the cries of the crucified in the Golgotha of the twentieth century. This article will be developed in three parts: the historical context of Edith Stein, an approach to her spiritual legacy and a contemporary proposal, the writing will seek to make known in the Latin American and Colombian context, marked by the darkness of violence and pessimism, the intrepidity of a woman who kept the flame of faith burning in the reverses of history.




How to Cite

Edith Stein: La Ciencia de la Cruz en los Reveses de la Historia. (2020). Estudio Agustiniano, 55(2), 347-366. https://doi.org/10.53111/estagus.v55i2.51