Pablo VI transfigurado, zahorí de Dios y pontonero de la Iglesia

Ternura, clarividencia, tesón y diálogo al servicio de la fe, la unidad, la justicia y la paz


  • Santiago Díez Barroso



Church, Christ, Transfiguration, Waterfinder, Pontoon, Faith, Justice, Unity, Peace


In this talk I refer to Paul VI as transfigured, zahorí (waterfinder) of God, and Pontonero of the Church. He was transfigured, because all his life he lived in permanent transfiguration-configuration with Jesus Christ. Zahorí, because he had a very pronounced charisma, to detect the springs of the spiritual life, but also to find out deficiencies such as thirst and hunger for justice, peace and fulfillment, and to make healing proposals. Pontonero of the Church for his dialogic attitude, for his ability to reconcile and to reconcile. I would like to infect you with interest and affection for Paul VI, someone who has much to say and say, but who, due to misunderstanding, neglect, or murky maneuvers, has undergone an unpresentable ostracism and left in dry dock.




How to Cite

Pablo VI transfigurado, zahorí de Dios y pontonero de la Iglesia: Ternura, clarividencia, tesón y diálogo al servicio de la fe, la unidad, la justicia y la paz. (2020). Estudio Agustiniano, 55(1), 101-151.