Los Tratados 26–27 sobre el evangelio de San Juan

Un texto difícil de la teología eucarística de san Agustín


  • Pío de Luis Vizcaíno




Sacramentum, Signum, Res, Virtus, Christus totus, Umbra, Veritas, Uiuificare


The treatises 26-27 of St. Augustine on the Gospel of St. John are significant texts to understand his Eucharistic theology. This is so because in them he exposes much of the Johannine discourse on the bread of life. But while for some authors the theologian of Hippo holds in them the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, for others he maintains only a symbolic presence. Through a careful analysis of the text, the present study shows that it is only possible to speak of a real presence which, nevertheless, integrates in it the elements of the symbolic presence.




How to Cite

Los Tratados 26–27 sobre el evangelio de San Juan: Un texto difícil de la teología eucarística de san Agustín. (2017). Estudio Agustiniano, 52(1-3), 271-296. https://doi.org/10.53111/estagus.v52i1-3.105

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