Catedráticos agustinos en las universidades de Aragón


  • Ricardo Paniagua Miguel, OSA



Augustinians, Augustinian Province of Aragon, Aragon, Universities, Saragossa, Huesca, Professors, 16th Century, 17th Century, 18th Century, 19th Century, Professorship


In the modern era, many Augustinians in Spain became professors in Theology in various universities. Particularly, the Augustinian Province in the Kingdom of Aragon, academically formed friars obtained the degree of lector, presentado and maestro de número and their names were written and compiled in the books of the Chapters. In this particular region, many friars were also able to study in the universities to obtain the Bachelor s degree, Licentiate and Doctorate in order to occupy professorial chair.Together with other members of other Mendicant Orders they used to occupy cathedrae of Theology and Arts. In the Kingdom of Aragon, some forty Augustinians studied in the universities, those of Huesca and of Zaragoza, and also in the universities in Catalonia and Valencia. Many of them held higher positions in the academic institution and published some written works. Just to mention some of them: Fray Pedro Malón de Echaide, who came from Castille with other religious for the reform of the Augustinian presence in the Kingdom of Aragon; Fray Pedro de Aragón, Alonso Gudiel, Bartolomé Foncalda and Jerónimo Aldovera y Monsalve were also numbered among those friars who occupied some important professorial chairs.




How to Cite

Catedráticos agustinos en las universidades de Aragón. (2022). Archivo Agustiniano, 106(224), 203-246.